Sakura Aino

Tis Lime!
Tis Lime! by @sakura_aino (Sakura Aino)

This was done over a period of 3 days during exam week ^^; I was really sloppy with the colouring as you can see... this pic is fairly large but since it was coloured in crayons, i had to shrink it way down to make it look ok on the computer... crayons and my scanner do not mix. This is for sale, but if anyone offers on it, its gonna take a lot of consideration for me ^^; Artwork © Copyright 2002 Sakura Aino

Finished Work
22y111d ago
Other Work By @sakura_aino

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 09 March, 2002 @ 03:48 PM

this is cool.it really is.i wish i was this goo-but i suck.

Posted: Thursday, 14 March, 2002 @ 09:03 AM

I'ts... LIMA! points and diesregenerates with a Phoenix Down Ahem... I only saw the series in Spanish (thank peruvian TV with all their GOOD dubs...), so I always thought her name was Lima. -_0 (usually they keep keep the apanese name) I suppose her name's just however you say Lime in the language you're watching. ^^;;; NICE PIC!

Posted: Wednesday, 01 May, 2002 @ 03:10 PM

EEEP! You did that with CRAYONS?! Crayons are the most cursed coloring media ever to exist! (IMHO, anyway.) =P

Heh, this is a really nice pic, though. Good job! The shadow from her hair and eyelashes is very cool.

Posted: Monday, 24 June, 2002 @ 10:32 AM

...OMG...it IS LIMA!!! from CHICA MARIONETA J!!!! AHHH I JUST LOVED THAT SHOW!!!...and yes I sawed it in spanish too! I'm from perĂº! oyy that waz a GREAT T.V show...but i liked Cereza better! heh the channel waz locomotion heh?

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