Terry Lynn M

Blue Mage Souni
Blue Mage Souni by @dracothrope (Terry Lynn M)

An art trade piece for the wonderful Seirei-mun, Souni was finished early but scanned late. T'was an attempt at realistic backgrounds. (the BG was supposed to be mountain-like BTW).

Finished Work
22y161d ago
Other Work By @dracothrope

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 23 February, 2002 @ 03:54 AM

Now that, my dear girl, is beautiful. Absolutely fantastic work. I'm quite impressed, especially with the shine on his mane and head-fur. And on the jewel he's wearing, too, wow... that's very realistic.

And the background is great, too... I so cannot do mountain bakcgrounds O.o And you say you don't do those often? Wow, what's yer secret? ^^

Posted: Saturday, 23 February, 2002 @ 08:20 PM

egads! That's BEAUTIFUL! Oh the inferiority of it all... cri The coloring is wonderful, and the background is exquisite, better than anything I could do. I despair! Great job on ALL of it!

Posted: Tuesday, 23 April, 2002 @ 02:26 PM

You know that this picture is technically my first art trade completed ever. :) It was an absolute joy to do too, and I think you did an excellent job on capturing Souni's look. I only hope my half of the trade was sufficient (mine didn't even have a background!) hugs

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  • Heavy Critique - A serious analysis of this work, with emphasis on identifying potential problem areas, good use of technique and skill, and suggestions for potentially improving the work.
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