Heidi Foland

Older, Wiser
Older, Wiser by @heidfola (Heidi Foland)

Ach, I did fanart. -_- Ah, well, when I saw Nomura's new character designs for an older Squall Leonhart in, I found myself sketching the fellow one day in his new (less froofy) getup. No fur, and many, many more buckles.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmm. Haaaaaaardwaaaaaaaare. %J

Another sketch of the absolutely INCREDIBLE new Cloud Strife is being worked on as a gift for someone, and I am planning on biting the bullet enough to INK this and CG it into a nice icy wallpaper.

22y191d ago
Other Work By @heidfola

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 31 March, 2002 @ 10:40 PM

stares at Squall... twitches... then POUNCES the screen!

...is out cold, just murmering 'cutie bishie'... @.@

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