Hey waitamin.. just noticing something Why does it say 'angel of music' on the piccy? There is only OOONNNEEE ANGEL OF MUUUUSIC!!! AHAHAHA-cough-HAHA! -.- Sorry. The title DOES actually fit Jendai though.. He's a very good singer, and he's an angel.. but still cannot compare to the amazingess that is.. uhm.. okay, I'm gonna shut up and go to bed now ^.^
The Angel by @AF (Aliet Faslami)
My fave brainchild, Jendai Kaalae! He's dead, so, he came back as an angel. Isn't he cute! His wings took forever.. O.o
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Beautiful! ^.^ It's Dai! He looks awesome! I love the pose, it's all dramaticy and stuff!