Bridgette Berry

'Nother un-named character.
'Nother un-named character. by @idgiebay (Bridgette Berry)

Graahhh!! The head is too big. >.< Not only that, the entire anatomy is screwed up.. sigh I've never been good at anatomy, but at least it's not always this noticeable.. Anyway, umm.. I like the hair.

She has no name.. anyone wanna help me out with that? She's kind of insane, soo.. yeah, insane names are nice. I don't know why I'm creating Darkwing Duck characters.. I'm not going to use them in a story or anything, so I guess I'm just playing around with styles like I usually do. I'll have some Invader Zim art in a few days.

Finished Work
22y22d ago
Other Work By @idgiebay

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 13 June, 2002 @ 04:00 PM

Waik! This is cool! Lol, DWD was my favorite show as a kid. Must watch it again..Lol, anyways, this is awesome! Actually, I think her anatomy is just fine! Okie, names...well...how about Dylan? O_o Lol, and considering the last character's name was Dawn XD They can be cousins twice removed, hee ^^; I dunno, she looks like a Dylan to me..::shrug:: Anyways, do more art! I like the DWD stuff! :D

Posted: Sunday, 16 June, 2002 @ 11:24 PM

hmmmm... the only big thing I can see wrong with her anatomy is that her legs are too short... other than that, she looks fine. DWD is one of my favorite cartoons, too :)

G.J. http://www.side7.com/art/rebemroc

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