Li Chi Son

"Niko loves Drakie......but" by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

"You promised Niko that you wouldn't fight!" Niko wacks Drak with a frying pan ~ partical excerpt from Sonmia Memories.

These two are just beyond cute!!! Excluding the times when the cat(Drak) goes on a killing frenzy --; (Psst.....they are both demons! OO faints)

I screwed up the first drawing of Niko. She is supposed to look 12 and I drew her as a 16+ year old.

Here!!!! This shuld make up for the mistake.

I really like it....looks a bit chopped off but Niko is cute and so is Drak. Love love kitties!!! (especially this blushing kitty :P)

Niko's body looks cut off because of the pillow but just don't mind it.


Artwork © Copyright 2002 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
21y274d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 03 November, 2002 @ 07:38 PM

^^!!! Love the pic sis, you yet again amazed me with your power to draw the hell outta my chars ^^ cant stop loving the pic!!

Posted: Tuesday, 05 November, 2002 @ 04:01 AM

This is a wonderful piece all around, I enjoy the pose alot. I find it hard to believe those two are demons, they are to cute to be evil. Keep up the good work, as though you need any encouragement.

Posted: Tuesday, 05 November, 2002 @ 09:55 PM

Are you gonna color this? It's so cute! I normally don't like fan or RPG characters... but a little demon girl and her cat? How can anyone NOT love this????

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