Gnat Andros

Pilot of the Arc Angel - Zoe Ausia
Pilot of the Arc Angel - Zoe Ausia by @gnatandr (Gnat Andros)

Zoe Siyia is a kind-hearted Aussie with a love for anything exciting. In her homeland of Australia she'd done everything that could be done to satisfy that love, and with the small continent being more backlands than civilization, she had plenty of room to do it in. She's kind-hearted to all sorts of people, but has a "thing" against those with big mouths, particularly that American pilot she had the chance to meet recently. But, she tries her best to remain polite. Her family is a wealthy group of Australians who've for generations represented their country in the tournement. Once Zoe had learned of this, nothing could stop her from training and participating for this event. She uses the Arc-Angel Gundam, a sort of Heirloom that has been passed from family member to family member, and was created by her great great great great great..(x.x;)...grandfather.

(BTW...If you haven't noticed I Love the name Zoe. hehe n_n;)

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Gnat Andros

Finished Work
21y207d ago
Other Work By @gnatandr

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