Gnat Andros

Arc Angel Gundam of Neo Australia
Arc Angel Gundam of Neo Australia by @gnatandr (Gnat Andros)

Well, my friend started a G Gundam RPG, and I wanted to have an original character. (actually, first I wanted to be allenby, but changed my mind. >>;)

The Arc Angel Gundam is nifty. It not only has a scythe-like blade that detaches to be thrown like a boomerang, but also a heat whip on it's tail. Those horns are used for double beam shooters, and the chest has a bunch of Missile clusters stored away. It can go invisible as a last resort (only lasts 30 seconds though.) and can use it's wings, or thrusters, as a shield. Not only that those elbow, knee, and shouder guards are razor sharp like Knives. :3 And it can spin a full 360 degrees like a top. Nifty, ne?

The pilot is Zoe...er....Ausia? I forget. I'll post her pic up. w00t. I should color this..but I'd have no Idea what the scheme would be. I'm bad with deciding colors for Mechs and Robots..poo poo

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Gnat Andros

Finished Work
21y232d ago
Other Work By @gnatandr

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