Irken Zan

Then and Now
Then and Now by @irkezan (Irken Zan)

Gore...whee...Okay, more unfolds in the story with the figments at 19's box...Turns out Kovah wasn't always how he is now...It's actually kind of a sad story when you really get into it...

The little story is a long time ago Kovah used to live on some planet called Necria. One day the planet was raided by a group of creatures, all of which were being lead by some guy named Seden. They took most of the Necriacans, including Kovah, and took them back to "Earth" and so on. They had a lab where they took most of them. There they did a bunch of experiments, added things, removed things. It wasnt only Necriacans they did this to. They collected lots of other creatures from all over. But anyway, they experimented on Kovah, took his hands and replaced them with claws, took away bits of his memory, stuffed tentacle like things inside of him...He was the fifth Necriacan experiment. Not too long after he was finished, he went out of control, killing anything and everything around him...He got out and escaped...His family all died during the experiments, all except his brother, Rikko. So ever since then Kovah's been angry and seemingly ticked off at the world. And you can imagine why...But aside from all that anger...there's something else there...It's hard to point out, but there's something else...maybe more than one thing even...as you can see he's pretty miserable...

Okaaaay =D I know that prolly made nooooooo sense at all....aherm...more to come...most likely...

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Irken Zan

Teen (V)
Finished Work
21y277d ago
Other Work By @irkezan

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 01 January, 2003 @ 05:23 PM

Wooo... good story. Write it down! I must hear more! UPLOAD MORE PICS, GOSH DARNIT! Shakes you You've gotta show me how you do your CGs, especially wiff da shading. You must... zombie-ness Cool pic, can't wait to see more!

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