Janus Izumii

..I tell no lies..
..I tell no lies.. by @Janus (Janus Izumii)

Well- I deleted 10 old pics, so I thought I'd upload a new one~ Shinkohyo is so cool XD If you've seen Houshin Engi (aka Soul Hunter >=P) You must of seen him, he plays the narrorator twads the beginning of the series and I find him to be a VERY interesting char! He is a immortal who is ban from telling lies, but but but I love his looks, alsmost vacant. I drew him looking more hurtful looking than he should be ^^;;; And this is one of my few attempts at cel style cg =p I need more practice on that....

Finished Work
22y159d ago
Other Work By @Janus

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 31 January, 2002 @ 08:47 AM

SNOW DAAAAAAY! hmmhmmhmmhmm! imitates the dude's laugh

Posted: Monday, 25 March, 2002 @ 07:31 PM

I just stared to watch that anime!! it ROCK, and you did a WONDERFUL job drawing him ^.^ Yeah!!!

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