Zoe Tremain Woodcock

Keelhauled by @ZoeTheHead (Zoe Tremain Woodcock)

_> (He tries not to think about water filling his lungs, line wrapped around his body, barnacle and splinters scraping themselves across his skin and deeping deep into it.) _ -(UbeCakess, 2022)

this is a traditional art that i did based on 1 of 3 scenes showing how Wulf(pictured here) and Chalakon(pictured later on after i upload the 3rd art) story below: Well, he was caught….

Wulf roused to the feeling of his hands bound, he opened his eyes, looking up to see his hands tied with rope, held by a hook and suspended above water. “Well, it’s about time that he awoke.” a voice said. Wulf turned his head to that said voice; it was LT. Romulus Morgan, High ranking Lieutenant of the Almagis, surrounded by Crimson Saints.

“There’s no use trying to try and fight us, you’re bound and unable to fight…In other words--You’ve lost, Wulf…” Romulus gloated, holding up a dagger to Wulf’s face. “What’re you gonna do to me, huh? Drown me? Heh, even if I am bound like wild game, I bet that I could escape from that. ”Wulf chuckled. “No, even better---We’re gonna Keelhaul you, and then leave ya to drown!” Romulus said, revealing a pulley system that the ropes were attached to that wound around the ship like a conveyor belt. The soldiers started moving the pulley, as Wulf was lowered into the water, soon being submerged. Excruciating pain soon splintered through his back, he looked, seeing red mists through the water; it was blood--- his blood… He was pulled through the water, his back catching and being mutilated against sharp barnacles underwater. He re-emerged out of the water, soaked and bloody. “Are you ready to tell us any info yet?!” the lieutenant asked. Wulf coughed up some water, spitting some of it in Romulus' face. “Lower him back under, boys! He’s being a nuisance!” Romulus ordered the soldiers to do so.


And once again, Wulf was submerged, the practice repeating until he couldn’t stand the pain as he was pulled up from the waters a final time. “ALRIGHT, I-I’LL TELL!” Wulf stammered, he was in excruciating pain and just wanted it to end, his back, calves, and upper arms now Macerated from the keelhauling, his arms sore and rubbed raw from the ropes, and his face bloodied. “Too Late! You didn’t tell us before, so we know that you’re useless…. THROW HIM OVERBOARD!” Romulus Yelled. Wulf was cut down from the pulley system, before being bound by the shoulders with the cut off rope and pushed into the depths below. He sank beneath the depths of the ocean, the last thing he caught a glimpse of were 2 shadows swimming towards him….

Teen (V)
Finished Work
1y224d ago
Other Work By @ZoeTheHead

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 18 May, 2023 @ 08:32 AM

Oh, whump! Very nice. I hope he turns out okay! I love spies and whump-like stories, so this is a pleasant combo.

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