Criket Ferrin

Noodles, my Muse?
Noodles, my Muse? by @CRIKET (Criket Ferrin)

Argh! there's that annoying thumbnail thing in the corner again. sigh This is Noodles, the one behind my insanity. Funny story: One weekend, I loaned my Invader Zim DVD to a friend of mine. That meant I couldn't look at Zim for a whole weekend! I was sitting in my room trying to remember what Dib's head looked like, when suddenly, Noodles popped into my head. I drew her instead. She actully has a voice, too! I thought I was crazy, but she was just a result of non-Invader Zim. I still hear her though, as well as many others. I'll draw them later. Notice how she looks very Jhonenesque? Her Irkan eyes, her HNB hair, her squeeky moose, her Devi earing, and her Johnny boots. You Jhonen Vasquez fans will know what I'm talking about. Out of all my voices, I like Noodles the best.

Rough / Concept
19y315d ago
Other Work By @CRIKET

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 26 July, 2004 @ 10:10 AM

I love this drawing! Johnnen is amazing. Kudos to you! It's slightly JTHMish too...Keep it up with the Vasquez inspired work!

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