Laguna Barr

The rise and fall....ft Zack 'n' Leon!!
The rise and fall....ft Zack 'n' Leon!! by @Axenblade (Laguna Barr)

I was listening to this song on mah stereo... then I saw the music video on mah Tv and then played DOA2 on mah playstation 2 and I thought... "man Leon and Zack... Craig David and Sting....I have piccy inspiration for a silly little monkey doodle" so I did... this. I missed a line out which is "...Super star you finally made it, But when your picture becomes tainted, It's what they call the rise and fall..."

I quite like it.. tis not bad for a silly monkey doodle is it not?

Man i love Leon, and I realised he's an italian!! not russian!! Jeez i was getting him and Bayman mixed up ain't I an idiot!? guffaws at self Looky here i'm chewbaccy!

Finished Work
21y107d ago
Other Work By @Axenblade

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 22 August, 2003 @ 06:51 AM

Awwwwwww!! this is cute bud! hehee I love their expressions ^^ hehe and really neat colouring too bud. ^^.

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