Aeralea Ri

Vega - Rose of Barcelona
Vega - Rose of Barcelona by @aeralea (Aeralea Ri)

A few weeks ago I promised a friend of mine a pic. I emailed her asking what she wanted and if she didnt mind that I'd like to have it be a video game character. That night I had a dream about Vega - not usual for me at all. The next day I had gotten a reply - the only requirement was that it be a blonde vg bishounen. And so this image was born! ^_^v

This image is dedicated to (and for) friend and fellow side7 artist, Lilith Wagner!! I hope she likes it even though he ended up a bit more muscular than I'd planned.......

Um, so far as the image - pencil drawing painted in Painter Classic. (Which I just got with my pen and tablet - YAY!)

In case anyone is wondering - the background is based on the actual Barcelona level of Street Fighter Alpha 3. I know Vega's not wearing his bracelet and shoes - but hey - he's relaxing here!! ^^v So far as content goes - this is after the ending of the games where Vega stops being so insane as he's fallen in love with his little commando clone Cammy. (Not that I'm a huge Vega & Cammy fan - but the end of SFA3 seems to be heading that way - and dun give me any gruff about the supposed backwards order of the SF series - this could happen! so there! ;p ^^;; )

Anyways, I guess that's enough rambling for me!

I promised one other image to someone and that be of Vincent Valentine - should be coming with in the next couple weeks! ^_^v

Finished Work
21y22d ago
Other Work By @aeralea

Comments & Critiques (8)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 13 September, 2003 @ 03:16 PM

Wow! I'm super impressed by your patience--painting all that scenery and character out couldn't've been quick! You did a great job of putting this fun pose into such an elaborate environment. Excellent excellent.

My nit--there's not much in the way of light in thi spicture. Imean, that moon shining down through the canopy there could really make for some interesting effects on the scene! Or at least, I'd like to see some stronger shadows and highlights where you already have them. I'd be happy to do a quick paintover, if you're interested. I think extra shading could give this piece a lot more 3D depth.

Anyway, congrats on completion!

Posted: Saturday, 13 September, 2003 @ 03:45 PM

Heh, thanks for your compliments!! ^^;

O_O;; - I didn't even think of that! Yeesh! It's so obvious!! ^^;; If you want to do a paintover - that's sweet and great of you - of course, provided you don't try and say it's your image.. ^^;; (go ahead and say you added the extra paint-over of the moon shadows though - I know that'd be hard work in itself!)

Thank you again! ~ Aeri ^_^v

Posted: Saturday, 13 September, 2003 @ 05:52 PM

Nah, I'd never take stuff from anyone else. I was more gonna do it educationally, and send you a copy (not post it myself), so you can see what a difference shadows and stuff can have on a pic.

Posted: Saturday, 13 September, 2003 @ 05:58 PM

Ok! Thank you! ^_^v

Posted: Saturday, 13 September, 2003 @ 05:22 PM

Wow, I'm impressed. :D If you add backgrounds like this to more of your pictures, I'll add you to my Museum. :D When we get the Favorites system put into place, I'm adding this one to it. :D

Posted: Saturday, 13 September, 2003 @ 05:43 PM

Thank you!

Heh, and after looking around at your images I'll have to add you to -my- museum - much lovely stuff there! ^_^v

Posted: Saturday, 13 September, 2003 @ 07:42 PM

WOW! You did this... for ME??? :;is gonna cry now;: It's really amazingly gorgeous! I am so impressed with the detail and the pose and the everything! And you told me you thought he looked too buff... oh, not at all! I really love the snake tatoo-type thing. And the pose is soooo awesome! Keep up the awesome work, please. ::is soooo happy::

Posted: Saturday, 13 September, 2003 @ 08:06 PM

I'm SO glad you like it! I was so worried!! ^^;; Thank you!! big big hug ~ Aeri ^^

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