Elizabeth Dlouhy

Love at First Sight
Love at First Sight by @elizdlou (Elizabeth Dlouhy)

There's a common saying that goes, "Once you look into your child's eyes, it's love at first sight."

This is a piece for my mom, who's guided me through a light since I met her. Kind of a late Mother's Day gift. X3 I started on the sketch a looong time ago, and my mom told me she wanted to see it colored. So I decided that I'd fulfill her request as a Mother's Day gift...belated, that is. XD Since the sketch was so old, I decided to go more simple and traditional with the coloring. Nothing complicated. You also get a glimpse of Scully's mom here, Flanna (the big mama lioness on the right), who I need to scan in several sketches of. I modeled her of course after my real "mom", DeAnna. You guys can tell me if she looks like the person: [link] I couldn't decide whether I liked this better in black and white or in color though...so I did both. This way you get to see Flanna's colors and the beautiful simplicity that is B&W.

Sketch in OC 1.1, coloring in PS CS2

Happy Mother's Day, Mom. I love you.

Finished Work
14y331d ago
Other Work By @elizdlou

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