Nicole Kitty

Sweet Dreams
Sweet Dreams by @nicokitt (Nicole Kitty)

This is dedicated to my poor kitty ShuShu whom I watched die a week ago, today. You were my first kitty and there will never be another like you.::sniffles:: I hope that you are in a better place now and I will always love you.

Finished Work
22y131d ago
Other Work By @nicokitt

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 12 February, 2002 @ 08:19 PM

Aw, im sorry Gi. Il miss her to.

Posted: Thursday, 14 February, 2002 @ 06:48 PM

Origionally, I didn't want to comment on this one...it didn't seem to set in with the mood. Words cannot express the feelings we feel when we lose someone we love. Nor do they need to. At one point, we all lose our friends. The key, then, is to gather what you've leared from that friend, and live the lesson they taught you. Everything on this planet is always trying to tell us something. Time for everyone to open their eyes and ears and listen.

The piece was beautifully done Gi. Love the coloring effects and the design of the piece. Emotion is radiating from it.

Posted: Thursday, 21 February, 2002 @ 05:01 PM

I´m truly sorry about this Giant. I know how it is to loose a pet. Nov. 7th 2001, we had to get my dear wonderful Scottish Terrier Nicki put to sleep. She was 15 years old and we had her since I was 3. But she was just too old to be able to take things anymore, so it was necessary to put her to sleep. but I am positive, that no matter where your dear Shushu is now, your kitty is happy and having a great time. God bless all wonderful pets and keep their memories alive within our hearts. ~ KS Claw

Posted: Monday, 25 February, 2002 @ 06:36 PM

Awww... Lovely image. And, I'm sorry, Gi. I know it ain't easy... I still miss my own kitty.

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