Megan Casey

Swordy's Dream....
Swordy's Dream.... by @paradox (Megan Casey)

This is something Swordy did...after she woke up, not so long ago, actually...this was somewhat like the feverish dream she had just had...

...half of it is sensless scribbles...it started out as the grey/black wolf...down to the star pendent...then that led to all the things attached to it...coffins, birds, bloody paws, wolves, snakes...

...then the outside things...red eyes...black fox?...black blue haired beast...tattooed raven...fang...slashes, roses, bloody blade, book & flames, raven&feather...

lotta crazy things when swordy sleeps...

then the hair on the wolf that it started with..the black lines were scribbled over it's head in the end.

Who is it...? Simbrie mayhaps? All the things connected to it...the star - lying in her clearing, on the roof, staring up at the stars...birds - falcon or hawk and bloody raven...the snake - adders Rhaden the Frater incident...the coffin...herself...wolves - Ravid and Tal...? - Unknown...

Outside. red eyes - hers, changed...Black Fox - BlackMist...Black-Blue haired beast near him - Dyn...tattooed raven - the one that was on her back, still there, pain...fang - sick of Terranix...slashes - armblade, sword blade, her back...roses - red Liger, white wearet...book&flames - Ravid's book, Ravid, particular picture(s)...raven&feather - Algol. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Megan Casey

Teen (VO)
Finished Work
22y95d ago
Other Work By @paradox

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