HELL YEAH BEEEEEYATCH!!! ><* o< I want my glasses back now. :3 ~Shannon
One Vanilla Milkshake, Please... And Hold the Naive WHile Youre At It. by @susafram (Susan Frame)
I was gonna say, "I Am A little CUPCAKE~", but cupcake didn't fit as well as Milkshake does... So I said "milkshake" instead. Obviously.
ANd besides, "shake" reminds me of this game I used to play all the time called, "Intergalactic Hero (or something like that?) of Space, MARINA", and it was about this cyborg chick (with cyborg peg-legs. badass.) who could mix things together to make super freaky weapon things, and when she did, she would say "shake-shake.. shake-shake..." and it just stuck in my head. If I could associate my personality with an onomatopoeia, it would be "shake". Definitely.
And yeah, I cut my hair off, too. First time in... mentally calculates while twitching eyelids and flicking her fingers Ten years.
Very "Moment of Zen"-ish. ....
Ketchup of Hate. God, I love that. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Susan Frame
Uh.. that's supposed to be " WITH vanilla milkshakes-". ...
(and no, padre, I don't reeally wear glasses. they're just for show. fanciful show.)