Li Chi Son

Last god of the Dragonball World!! YEAH!!!
Last god of the Dragonball World!! YEAH!!! by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

drools sorry...I really like his hair.....a lot........

ooooh.....Meet Dark Master (DM for short). He's the god of balance....

"There always must be a balance between good and evil. There can't be too much evil nor can there be too much good...there has to be a balance." ~DM

I remember those lines soooo well...everytime earth gets destroyed (many many times in the early rp years) Great Mother and Dark Master would have to mend it....and GM would ask why he would put people who would destroy the world onto it and that would be his reply.....funny, it became part of my philosophy.

The clothing isn't what he would normally wear, took it from one of the characters in Yu-gi-oh and I just shoved it on him just to give him clothes.

You can't see it that well but his eyes are different...the left eye is a normal-iris purple eye and the right one is a yellow eyed with cat shaped iris. The earrings have a meaning...he's god of balance so his ears look like the arms of a scale and the earrings are like the weights on a scale. The extra hoop earrings are there for decoration. Like the other two gods, he has a tear-drop earring but with a more elegant design. Notice it's shorter than EC and longer than GM.

((If EC and GM fuse again one day, the earring would probably become the same size as DM.....it's an idea....but not going to fuse them just yet....maybe for a picture or two one day...))

I've finally decided on wings!! HAPPY!!!! Bird wings and bat wings are finally decided and I'll probably finish GM's pic soon....thanks to DM! YEAH!!!!

Anything wrong.....hmmmm....the bent over waist is off.....the hair is a bit too fluffy on one side, a bit off it seems.....looks good now but if i stare at it long enough, it'll get out of proportion. There's probably more but I haven't stared at it long enough to catch all my mistakes.....

N E HOO! Enjoy!!! Artwork © Copyright 2002 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
22y141d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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