Li Chi Son

Sketches of an earthbound hell cat
Sketches of an earthbound hell cat by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

Doodles of a character that I'm going to shove into the RP sooner or later...meet Sakura's hubby, and her servant.

Gonna make a small story surrounding 5 demons that surround the DBRP....Sakura is one demon, Hellion is another, probably going to make Black Beast another demon....

I haven't drawn the other two demons..Hellion belongs to Piccollo and BB belongs to Gohan(bro bro!)

Why 5? 4 are the directional points, North, East, South and West. the 5th point is the centre...almost the link of the 4....idea still in planning

oooh....forget the two round yucky face balls, those were sketches....this idea is inspired from American McGee's Alice. I really lived the artist's impression and wanted to play the game sooo badly!

Saldly to say, comp won't let me cause bad software and therefore no game to play tears WAHHHH!

N e Hoo...enjoy! Artwork © Copyright 2002 Li Chi Son

Teen (O)
Rough / Concept
22y141d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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