Samantha Nowinski

Tak-Gaz (Femme Slash)
Tak-Gaz (Femme Slash) by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)

Two characters from Invader Zim...Yes...Tak and Gaz slash romance...don't kill me! Okay, I read a story about this subject on ff.net, and I saw myself drawing this. And I realized that a lot of those flamers freak out over subjects like this. A lot of people are open to slash and such, so I don't see why other people freak out over stuff like this. It's alright!! Don't freak!! I mean, you're entitled to opinions, so respect their rights to have opinions and don't complain...so, to those who like this...THIS IS FOR YA! A little angsty, but..eh. I personally don't think I did well on this picture, but it's alright...

Rough / Concept
21y322d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 06 August, 2002 @ 03:25 AM

I wuv it. I don't really see that much Gaz/Tak, so it's nice to see this! Gaz and Tak look really pretty! How can you not like this? Besides a few eraser marks, this is a great piece. So =P Lol

Posted: Friday, 09 August, 2002 @ 08:25 AM

Is Gaz dead? it seams Tak is sad...and i can figure out exsactlt why

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