Jess Buehler

Vally Of The Damned (GIF copy)
Vally Of The Damned (GIF copy) by @jessbueh (Jess Buehler)

Ok. Heres a new header for this one. I've found that recently my JPG uploads have been horendously screwed up, so I'm trying a GIF version... and hoping it doesnt end up WITHOUT THE FRIGGIN FACE!! ARG! But back to the originaly planned programming...

This one was inspired by one of my favorite songs, "Vally Of The Damned" by Dragonforce (formaly Dragonheart). Man, Ripping drums and guitars, and the lead singer actualy SINGS! None of that screaming into the mic there! no sir! But anyways... the pic....

This is just a rough idea of what I'm doing here. I mean, I'm goina finish this, just what I did with the sky and some of the ground, that's just so that people can see what I'm doing. I think that's probably the best head I've ever done, though, on the hero, and I'm realy happy with the, you guessed it, grass. :D I'm REALY happy, however, with the blood spray from the zombie with the sword through it. >:D And dont worry, gore feinds! There'll be MORE blood!

Woot! LOL Artwork © Copyright 2002 Jess Buehler

Mature (V)
21y313d ago
Other Work By @jessbueh

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