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Jess Buehler

@jessbueh (Jess Buehler)
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15 July, 2002
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
06 November, 1984
jessbueh turns 40 this year.
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Hi.  I'm Jess.  This is my Biography.  now that we're all aquainted, I'll tell you a little about myself.<BR><BR>    I was born on the north west coast of the United States in November of 1984, and I've had the pleasure of living in the same county for my entire life.  Until I was in Kintergarted I hated drawing and all art, until that one fateful day when I was drawing my mom for a Mothers day card (I'm sure she still has it around somewhere), and I caught myself thinking "Wow, thats not very good.  I need to get better at drawing!"  I saw other childeren drawing, and decided that while I spent most of my time reading (something I wish I still did regularly) I needed to allocate some of my time to working on my art skills, too.<BR><BR>    Soon enough I discovered Sonic the Hedgehog, and I quickly became totaly obsessed.  I think that happened in about 2nd grade...  in 4th grade I pretty much grew out of that, though I still tryed to draw him well intho 6th grade.  <BR><BR>    In 5th grade I met the first person who had greater art skills than me, James.  He and I quickly became friends, and I quickly barfed on his coat (true story.  I realy did.  My teacher freaked out, and he just kinda went "Aww man, my coat...  Dude, you threw up on my coat...")...  now that we've branched off and focused on certian styles, he's better at HIS kind of art, while I'm better at MINE.  ^_^  (dontcha love how that works?)<BR><BR>    That same year I met my good friend Hillary, whom I still hang out with , and I still try to direct people to her gallary (her nickname is Rah-Bop!  Go!  Now!  Dont even finish reading this, just go!  She's infinatly better than me!!!).  That year, I also got two scars, one of them in a fight trying (even though her honor WASNT at stake) to defend Hillary's honor (...lord what fools these mortals be... gah, did I just call myself a mortal?  *washes his mouth out with soap*) and the other one was when James slapped me on the back when we were running back from PE, saying "Hey hey, Jess! Hah hah- OOF!" as I fell over, becoming greatly unbalanced, landing on my elbow, as he fell on his knee.  Heh heh, we still joke about that to this day...<BR><BR>From 6th to 9th grade I didnt have to oportunity to realy excercise my art skills.  I met alot more people with greater art skills, and it got me down pretty bad, so I just tried to focus on my academic skills...  didnt do so hot there either.  *L*  So I played video games.  That worked.<BR><BR>In 10th grade, my Sophomore year, I was lucky enough to get an art class, and in my first year, my art teacher asked me to take airbrushing, which was a second year class.  Boy was I honored!  Woot!<BR>11th grade I had illustration for the first half of the year, which was fun, cause I got to draw Bilf Bullwafter (I'll get around to taking a picture of that and uploading it some time) and he actualy got into an art showing in town!  I mean, woot!  BOY do I feel good about myself... hehe...  But then my second semester, I took figure drawing...  Sure that was a cool class and I learned alot, but GAWD, I'm glad I dont have to take that again...<BR><BR>SO, that brings us to the present.  This year I have illustration, 1st period with a handfull of other specialy selected students durring my art teachers PREP PERIOD!  once again, I feel so HONORED!  To quote one of my friends, "I feel all happy and fuzzy inside..." hehe...  6th period - the next to last class all day- I have Painting.  Not as easy as it looks, but not as dificult as one would expect.  ^__^  Just takes alot of planning, which I didnt do with my last painting.  hehe<BR><BR>    Hmm, well, I'm about 5'10", my hair is dark brown and curly, and down just past my shoulders (it used to be alot longer, as you can see in some of the pictures I've drawn of myself.  I cut of 6 inches just a while back), I tend to wear dark colors, and I have a small goatee.  I tolerate most music except for anything that sounds like Rap, Country, or anything biggoted.  I LIKE heavy metal, electronica, Old School Techno, 70s-90s rock, some punk (like Greenday before they wussed out) SOME pop rock (I absolutly DESPISE Brittany Spears.. SPEAR BRITTANY!  RRARR!), classical, and anything Celtic.  I REALY like bagpipes and HEAVY bass guitar together.  It sounds GODLY...  unfortunatly, I dont like Korn, and theyre the only ones who do that... *sigh*<BR><BR>    And that be'st me!  oh, look at that..  Be'st... Best... Hmmm...  ;)
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