Aðalsteinn Guðmundsson

Freak by @Alliat (Aðalsteinn Guðmundsson)

This Must be the freakyest picture I've ever drawn. Of course, that alien pic of mine comes close. After showing this pic to a few people I've now got myself stacks of Psycologist's buisness cards! :)

Teen (O)
Finished Work
21y196d ago
Other Work By @Alliat

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 29 November, 2002 @ 10:51 PM

i personally like it. reminds me of a demented Salvidor Dali painting. Its sort of tricky to the eye too. Best thing is it keeps the eye moving around. Forget psychologists... round here you're likely to be burned at the stake for being possessed by a demon....

-my art- http://www.side7.com/art/virgbrya/gallery.html

Posted: Saturday, 30 November, 2002 @ 02:58 PM

Hehe, thank you. It's probably a bigger compliment than you intended because Dali is my favorite artist.

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