Ray Fiery-Dreams (me) by @StormyHotWolf88 (Carly Crawford)
yep.. It's me. I drew myself and added some stuff to make it my character Ray. So ya.. thats my face I drew from the mirror. I showed this to my mum and a few other people. Devlin says I look like I came from tomb raider but that's because I have a simular body to the original tomb raider character. I've never played the game but the movie is hot lol... I might make this outfit for halloween and get black water guns to put on XD. halloween is gonna be fun lol... Ty to Matt for the double gun idea and Eric for the bottom part of the outfit. I want comments please!! lol
Wow this is great. The sketchiness and the skin color make her look like she's been adventuring underground or something. I like her face as well, to me it expresses exhaustion, but victory. The suttle shines on the earrings, beltbuckle and gun are good addages too. The only anatomy errs I see, and I might be wrong, is her right ankle, it seems a bit thin, especially with the angle that it's at. Otherwise I see it as a good piece.