Ingrid Houwers

How fox got rid of his fleas
How fox got rid of his fleas by @GrayWolf (Ingrid Houwers)

"How the fox got rid of his fleas"

The fox is much troubled by fleas, and this is the way in which he gets rid of them. He hunts about till he finds a lock of wool, and then he takes it to the river, and holds it in his mouth, and so puts the end of his brush into the water, and down he goes slowly. The fleas run away from the water, and at last they all run over the fox's nose into the wool, and then the fox dips his nose under and lets the wool go off with the stream.

Picture portrays the fox as he leaps out of the water to go back into the woods again. He takes a final look at the piece of wool that slowly goes off stream.

Finished Work
18y255d ago
Other Work By @GrayWolf

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 28 September, 2005 @ 07:54 AM

Wow, I love the varying styles on this. The fur, the water (almost looks like an oils technique), the layout of the leaves.

Very nicely done.

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