GASP! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!!! How do you DO that? The coloring is awesome! And as for the transparent wings, don't worry. Maybe they are transparent... or sometimes they are. Still... this is soooooo coooooooool drool

Cinda 7 by @lynne (Lynne)
This is an art trade with Cinda 7. It's her Dragon form! :D Pretty, huh? I really like how this came out.. the background is a photo but her wings are transparent. Transparent wings are fun.. though I have no idea if her wings are transparent or not.. ._.; Artwork © Copyright 2003 Lynne Stephenson
Comments & Critiques (4)
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WOW! You are da mastah of dragons, yo! I can't wait till your next picture!