Lilleah Aawest

Turren by @westlilleah (Lilleah Aawest)

this is my huge 3d beast, he is a made up animal and is in my room, i was shinning a flash light in his mouth and it made him look as if he was about to blow fire

20y151d ago
Other Work By @westlilleah

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 01 February, 2004 @ 01:27 PM


Posted: Sunday, 01 February, 2004 @ 02:07 PM

You can actually sleep with that thing in your room? I'd prolly be awake all night, expecting it to eat me the second I closed my eyes...definitely very fierce looking

Posted: Sunday, 01 February, 2004 @ 03:31 PM

not only is this creature in my room but it is also right over my bed! its head rests about 2 1/2 feet above my knees when i sleep, and his eyes and teeth glow in the dark making him extra creepy. and yes i am afraid of him some times, but not scared by his looks but the fear of him falling off the wall and landing on me!!!!

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