I have only good to say! great work and wonderful color...Shirley
Just a Friendly Chat by @invader_bast (Jordan Gregory)
Eyebrows... o.ô
This picutre is more like an experiment. See, I'm really sick and tired of having everything I draw look so.. staged and posed. Like the people I'm drawing are just STANDING there. And I want to work more on candid scenes and BG's and stuff. So that's pretty much what this is.
Tis castle me and Castle AF, probably... well at the castle. Having a chat. u.u And I think we're a little older in this pic... o.o And yes I know those grapes are tiny. They're MINI GRAPES! MUWAHAHAH! >D
Oh I know what you mean, about drawing people actually doing stuff. e.e I have such trouble with that, about the only time I draw people like that is in comics. But you did such a good job with this! It's like looking in on a real breathing living scene. =D I love the expressions, and those outfits blood ROCK, and I absolutely adore how like, the candle thingy in the foreground is blurred so the perspective is focused on the girls. ^-^ It gives it depth! DEPTH I SAY! And may I say, also that the hair looks awesome and so does the wood and stone in the background? Your coloring style is so coooooooooolness. Verra verra sweet and professional-looking work!