Lisa Cotton

Travelling Companions
Travelling Companions by @lisacotton (Lisa Cotton)

One of my characters is Mochaccina - a fox/wolf cross-bred from the kingdom of Denl'a. I have an entire story written about her (most of it is done anyways), and I was thinking on making her story into an HTML form, with illustrated pictures, but that was a while ago, so I'm not sure if I'll do that now.

Anyways, this was one of the pictures that was to be the illustration. She's seen here with my other character, Tira M'rr, who's also a cross-breed of a snow leopard and cheetah. Cross-breeds in Denl'a is considered illegal, so after the death of Mochaccina's adoptive father, she fled Denl'a as her father's dying wishes.

After a while, she met up with Tira, who also happens to be a very cunning theif, but takes a liking to Mochaccina, since she too is a cross-breed, and decides to help her out, mostly because Mocha would be travelling in circles, since she doesn't know how to read, and therefore couldn't read the road signs.

This is another one that I've also sent to Jalin :)

Finished Work
22y267d ago
Other Work By @lisacotton

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