Lisa Cotton

Jalin Tor'ith
Jalin Tor'ith by @lisacotton (Lisa Cotton)

Now here's a furry I haven't heard from in a LONG time! Jalin has been a great friend to me, and when I first came on Furcadia, I would often shout to everyone "Hi Everyone!!" and he'd always whisper Hi to me :) At one point, I was curious as to who this Jalin Tor'ith was, so I whispered back to him "You know, you've been saying Hi and Bye everytime I come and go on Furc, but I haven't a clue on who you are!" So he told me where he was, and I moved my character to him, and then I met Jalin :)

Jalin was the first furry to introduce the Bardic Circle, which was then passed down to Aedina in Jalin's absence. He's one heck of a story teller too! Wow! =D This is the original image that I pictured Jalin to be in, but after I had drawn it, he later told me that he wasn't one for facial hair ;) Oopsies! So I re-drew him with no facial hair and sent him that picture :)

Jalin, if you're reading this, Email me! I haven't heard from you in ages! =D

Finished Work
22y269d ago
Other Work By @lisacotton

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