Suh-WEET!! "I flee!", I'm gonna have to remember that one for the next time I tick someone off really, uh, a lot. Once again, the art totally rocks and Smig looks like something out of JtHM.
WAVE II (page 40) by @kgavlas (Kim Gavlas)
Page 40. Zim runs, A.T.O.R. hides Dib and G.I.R. inside of itself, and Smig gets ready to self-destruct! Yay.
If this bout of acute despondance lifts, I might actually get the next few pages finally done and finish this comic!
Comments & Critiques (7)
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OH NOOOOO! NOT GET ALL EXPLODY! sure it would be cool to see him blow up in a roaring, fiery, burny mess; but i like smig. that little dude is the best Zim fan character ive seen! violent, a drug addict, obnoxious, profane, I LOVE THE LITTLE GUY! so blow him up if you must, but dont KILL HIM! no kill best alien ever, please?
yaaaaow. That's gotta suck, poor Smig... but he's probably gone through worse right? Hmm... its almost 4 am and I am still up.... not good. But THIS COMIC was good. You is TALENTED arteest. Me is inspired even more to do a Zim comic (I only just found out about the show a month ago... thank gawd for friends and internet downloads). I luv it i luv it. By the way... what colour hasn't been used for a tall-esque character yet? Teeelll meeeeeeee! (cough... cheesecake is slowly killing my insides)
I've only just finished it after reading it all the way from the beginning in a matter of 2 hours (I couldn't help but gawk slowly at the wicked detail) and it's so very amusing. I love this style of humour. Dib's expressions are so kewl (He's me fave) I like how you've come up all these insults that would typical come from Zim (ok, minus the slang) Gaz is so very deathly, and Gir is...In luuuuve. Sweet! Smig is such a little git. A strangely lovable little git. But you're gonna blow him up? Noooooo!! Hmm I made this comment a bit too long.
0.0 :recoils in horror: Wow! That picture of Smig in the center there... it's just plain hideous! Awesome! ^_^ I love the twistedness of it all. Wish I could draw such cool, gross looking stuff. As always, your comic kicks arse!