Katy Coope

Prometheus and Anarien
Prometheus and Anarien by @katycoop (Katy Coope)

This here is one of the crossovers between my work and Chandra's. The guy on the left is Anarien, a 'demon' from Fineshiems. Next to him is Prometheus Avalon, from 'Threads and Flames'. It may not look like it, But Prommie is Anarien's son. (Though through complicated circumstances, Prometheus is actually older than his dad...)

This is a really rough sketch, done from memory on Prometheus, and while babysitting. They both came out a little younger looking than intended, Prometheus especially... He doesn't look mature and well, Prometheusy enough ^_^ (I've never worked out just how old Anarien looks, but being all nervous seems to make him look even more little)

I'll probably do a better version of this some time, but I kinda like.

22y250d ago
Other Work By @katycoop

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 13 February, 2002 @ 12:21 PM

I think I've got it. Prometheus' shoulders are too narrow/rounded maybe?

It's still a great picture, you've got his body language perfect.

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