Li Chi Son

HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!!!! by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

I half assed this pic for the last person (top centre person) -_-...

Why not celebrate the holidays with a couple of people whom I have never drawn before but have been rping with them for the last few days?? :P

From my Gundam Wing rp, we have (starting from left and going clockwise) Shinji (aka the black haired punk), Touya (aka the long haired blond), 'Yuki' (aka the blue haired boy which I forgot his name from the first time I introduced him 3 months ago and can't find it in the ICQ database -_-) and Yokano (aka the reborn wind demon).

Short intro before you get lost in a small dialogue...the three guys seem to be always around a portal that leads from the techological world (aka Gundam Wing Earth) to a more medival world whree magic and other magical creatures exists (aka some fantasy world). Currently the only thing Terra(girl whom I rp with) found out is that the boys bring people from the techo world to the fantasy world but has no clue why or who they really are((or have you figured that out yet?? :P))

Those three guys are growing on me...I might use them for the Dragonball RP :P So without further hesitation, the weird dialogue!

Shinji(left): Yokano! You can't keep coming through the portal. I keep telling you it's illegal and....are you listening to me!?!??!

Yokano(bottom centre): Oh relax Shinji! It's the holidays and even you three need a break from all the work! YEAH! Party with three good looking guys!! XD Let's visit the old high school again and party all night!!! suddenly grabs Yuki

Yuki(right): Oooh? Yokano?? Where are you taking me?? I hope your husband doesn't see us or else he will hex us....or worst yet, mutilate us ><

Touya(top centre): walks by and turns seeing them Yokano...are you scaring my employees again?

Yokano: You better believe it, Touya-chan!

Shinji: groans Yuki: smiles Then let's party!! Touya: Hey! I'm invited too, right? Yokano: plants a kiss on Touya's cheek Of course. Happy holidays everyone!! hearts

Enjoy enjoy enjoy. And thank you all for dropping by and looking at my artwork!! EEEE!!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!

P.S. I sketched the three guys a day before and I still haven't decided on Touya's look so he WILL change. Yokano was just quickly sketched today just for this pic -_-.....she's ok looking tho...not as bad as Touya. I LOVE YOU SHINJI!!! cuddles him to bits

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
21y221d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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