Li Chi Son

IF only I thought of this earlier....-_-......get another bucket :P....maybe a smaller one this time
IF only I thought of this earlier....-_-......get another bucket :P....maybe a smaller one this time by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

It's Touya!!! The better and now final version...had to sketch him twice before I made up my mind -_-....now THIS is a face that looks like 'an ancient elf', not that last crap I drew points to the last pic that was loaded

Geez, kinda fast thinker for a face even though it is only....3:00 in the morning!!! O_O. I think it's all the tea I drank at dinner...:P

sexy unbuttoned Touya with his sinfully unbuttoned pants. :P he's not very muscular which is a good thing. Sad sad look tho....I don't think he likes his...'position' in the picture (can mean many many things XD)

Hey....don't get perverted.....(((go right ahead XD)))


Artwork © Copyright 2002 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
21y221d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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