Ameigh Haley

Green top
Green top by @aymei (Ameigh Haley)

I was reminded of my mother's drawings (she designs clothes and makes them in her spare time) I love the way she can put a few rough strokes together and have a picture...so i figured maybe it ran in the family and if I did it I would have a cool fashion designer type drawing...erm...it made sense at the time but with me it always seems to be a botch up...oh well... figured I would use 18 cause shes cool basically...who else qualifies for this new feat I was attempting to try ^_^

Teen (N)
Rough / Concept
21y270d ago
Other Work By @aymei

Comments & Critiques (9)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 08 October, 2002 @ 03:29 PM

Yay!! 1st comment! Woah! I love ur style!! I really like ur char's shirt and pose in this picture and the face is verry good!


Posted: Sunday, 20 October, 2002 @ 06:32 AM

I like first commenters...it makes my whole day it really does narf pic or not. Thank you! ^__^

Posted: Tuesday, 08 October, 2002 @ 04:33 PM

naughty!!! she has no bra!! anyway enough with stating the obvious it is a brilliant pic.

Posted: Sunday, 20 October, 2002 @ 06:28 AM

well duh chantelle ^_^ but I tell you what...you should watch FTv (Fashion Tv on sky)then come back...so I can laugh some. I've been blinded on numerous occassions LOL.

Posted: Thursday, 10 October, 2002 @ 05:19 AM

Wow, This is so beautiful, you are such a great drawer, and a great writer. I love this so much. !0 out of 10. I'm gonna go look at all your other DBZ pics now ok. Bye

Posted: Sunday, 20 October, 2002 @ 06:33 AM

hi! I'm sorry I haven't been writing recently. I owe you an email I really do but thank you so much for being so nice about my drawings. I hope you do get to see the others ^_^ Thank you. Aymei

Posted: Saturday, 12 October, 2002 @ 06:48 PM

I love her expression, and the clothing design is very cool too.

Posted: Sunday, 10 November, 2002 @ 11:35 PM

Hey! This is really cool, but I do think she needs a bra! Anyway, I love the outfit! ~Danni~

Posted: Monday, 18 November, 2002 @ 09:53 AM

Wow! She looks like she's just walked off the catwalk of a glitzy New York fashion show! The soft, flowing lines work very well and give a real feeling of that Juuhachigou elegance.

Dark Persian =^.o.^=


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