Annabel Lee

Dying Phoenix
Dying Phoenix by @zenphoenixa (Annabel Lee)

Yes I'm alive, blame uni work for my absence, fie fie to the education system! Ahem. ^.^;; Well, I finally got around to completing this - I started it about two weeks ago, and it's been sitting around on my desk for ages until I finished it today.... well anyway, er, this was my attempt at trying to do a different take on how I usually draw Phoenixes, it's mildly depressing I know but eh, not even the life of a Phoenix is all sugar and roses, right?? ^.^;;; The inking near killed me again, or rather, nearly killed my pencil and my colour pencils smelled funny after not using them for ages, but it all came together in the end. Now I reeeeaaaallly need to finish pics I owe to people.... O____o;;; Artwork © Copyright 2003 Annabel Lee

Finished Work
21y56d ago
Other Work By @zenphoenixa

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 16 April, 2003 @ 09:02 AM

hey annabel, remember me one of your old timers? anyway its so hard to get a hold of you these days and this the only way so far so i hope you are reading this: me and blas are officially announcing our engagement on the 29th of july at our Engagement Party. send me and email or something k? or better yet give me a buzz if you can?

Posted: Thursday, 24 April, 2003 @ 08:58 AM

All of your work is simply beautiful and so inspirational! I must say this image is my absolute favourite to date. You never fail to amaze me!

Posted: Saturday, 26 April, 2003 @ 03:36 AM

Heya there! Thankyou so much for your words of encouragement, it was very kind of you! ^.^ I'm glad you liked this piccy of mine, and I hope it's inspirational in some way to ya! ;) Hands you an orange in thanks for goodly nutrition ^__^

Posted: Saturday, 31 May, 2003 @ 04:00 AM

Ok... ok ok ok. I know I said this in email, that I never really did understand this one. I don't like to see the pheonix getting messed up the the web/net Zen! :( I mean of course the art is amazing but whhhhhyyyy do you hurt the poor guy :(

lol GO ZEN

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Please keep in mind, critiques may highlight both positive and negative aspects of this work, but the main goal is to constructively help the artist to improve in their skills and execution. Be kind, considerate, and polite.