Thanks for the comment =D
Gun: I did state that I erred in laying out the composition, which is part of why the perspective is off. Alternately, that isn't really the best position anyway, so she is struggling to aim as it is.
Julie Miyamoto
I'm still iffy on the ratings [what's a topless guy rated? what about being tied up?], so I'll err on the side of caution. Not that I really know how to explain the scene as it is, except it's an obvious(?) parody, and sometimes absurdity is its own rationale.
Ironically, I committed two cardinal artist's sins in drawing this: 1. I didn't lay out the complete composition before fleshing out my rough sketches. 2. I didn't bother to draw in a background, figuring I could slap one up in Photoshop just as quickly. BIG FAILURE. Luckily, it's just a rough, and if anyone cared about it enough for me to go in and tweak, I can still do that.
Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind
Ooo! Cool picture, I like your style here, you have very interesting characters here. I don't think you need to rate it "S" because of the topless, as long as it's not completely nude. He not really topless, he does have shirt on- just unbuttoned is all... A lil artist tip: the way "Versa" is pointing the gun, it looks a little off. It doesn't look like it's pointed directly to the other character. Other than that, it's a way cool picture! ^_~