Li Chi Son

"Laugh until you can't laugh anymore, love like you've never loved before" by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

I'll miss you side7!!! ><

Alright. Time to draw like I've never drawn sappy pics before!!! Not sure if they say my premiere account ends on the 26th, do they mean at night or right away?

So first off, sappy pic #1: Li Chi and Zaltite enjoying a laugh!

They are a very interesting pair, never actually SAYING how they feel for one another, but smiles happily there's chemistry. (Good and bad tho -_-) There's very few moments where they can enjoy one's company but when they do, they have fun!

Here's to happy moments and laughs with friends!

Comments:~ Li Chi's eyes are a bit screwed up (not balanced). Her necklace is missing something on the bottom. I dunno why Zaltite is wearing his under-armour but I havne't designed a top for him -_-

Alright. Enjoy!

Finished Work
20y342d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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