Li Chi Son

"Enjoy every moment of life, sit under the stars and dream" by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

I haven't posted anything about my pocket monsters on side7 but they are very cute!

I invented a few when the craze started back in '98 and I drew up a plot line for them later on. Eventually, the fact that you couldn't understand them got a bit annoying so for 3 pokemon, I designed their ultimate forms to look more 'human' and can speak.

Alrighty-o. Meet Cechiart and Tailigail.

Tailigail was a pocket monster before I 'revamped' him into a Nightmarian (from the game NiGHTS into DREAMS). I drew a comic joking about the change.

Both are warriors sworn to protect the princess and angel (bah, such a typical shoujo story line -_-).

Therefore, when they relax, they preferably are together; there's no one to complain about them being silent all the time and they understand each other without words.

Enjoy this 'stargazer' pic!!

Finished Work
20y342d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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