Lilleah Aawest

Zelda Beach Party
Zelda Beach Party by @westlilleah (Lilleah Aawest)

oh did i ever have fun with this one, all the triforce guys all posing on the beach, Shiek still hiding his face, Link in something besides a tunic, Epona in an inner tube, Navi drinking pink leamonaid, and Gannon in a spedo which is both funny and disturbing at the same time

(that and i know about the whole Shiek being Zelda deal, i have played the game 18 times and i have evidence from the game and 2 guide books that the form of shiek, which is a fully physical disguise done by magic, is a male form to throw off Gannon)

but please comment on this picture, let me know what you thought about it, what you viewers have to say really matter to me.

20y151d ago
Other Work By @westlilleah

Comments & Critiques (5)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 20 February, 2004 @ 12:36 PM

hehe i have to say, the first thing that i noticed was Gannon, hahahaha. i like this pic, the fact that someone actually draws these things makes me happy. ^^ i also noticed the Yoshi beach towel, and i love Yoshi, so that's a plus to this pic also. keep up these great drawings! ^__^

Posted: Monday, 07 June, 2004 @ 05:14 PM

I like the horsie. HAhaHA. That is a funny picture. Keep it up! :)

                            Ag wolf
Posted: Sunday, 20 June, 2004 @ 03:05 PM

Good work. Link looks hot, i love how u put epona in a floatie, and how navi is drinking out of a glass. I only have 2 problems with this....... Gannon is showing a little too much cheek there and Sheik is actualy princess Zelda. But rather than that i love it.

Posted: Sunday, 20 June, 2004 @ 05:12 PM

i know sheik is Zelda, but "technically" sheik is a "male" the disguise is like an illusion surrounding her to give Zelda the look of a young male sheikah.... and yes Gannon is getting a wedgie! i just had to put him in a spedo thats riding up his butt, its so wrong that its funny!

Posted: Thursday, 15 July, 2004 @ 02:53 PM

I was just joking with Gannons wedgie.. I actualy think its really funny. Your an awesome artist. Keep it up.

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