Victor Tarsus

Evana_Rima_Tarsus by @victortarsus (Victor Tarsus)

Evana Tarsus is Victor's beloved mate(wife if you prefer..I did not want to make it seem similar to our modern society). She is a Sormic albino Lioness(Sormic is her maiden name) from the SouthTech Republic(a country on Palaxia I that aquired a larger area when forced to move to Palaxia II. They are mostly shorter than Rostokian lions, but their still lions).

This versaion however is not used, as before like Victor Tarsus(the style is not "rostokian"). I minor thing before you all start flogging me with rippoff comments, this picture was made long before i even ever heard of Evana Love or Evana Kitty. At least three years in making Evana RT has been throguh. This form as i have stated is not used, i'll be adding a more realistic version soon(have to color her first). This is basiclly the way she came out three years ago on PhotoShop 5 with a very limited talent for computized coloring. So there for i have not ripped off the very talented Evana Love with E.R.T at all.

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Victor Tarsus

Finished Work
22y138d ago
Other Work By @victortarsus

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