Rachel Johnston

Zib Hides
Zib Hides by @rachjohn (Rachel Johnston)

I dunno what or who he's hiding from. It seems like Zim's introducing him to someone and he's a little shy. Aww. AWWWWWWWW!

I can see why Cartman's Girl got so hooked on drawing the little guy. He's ADOWABLE!!!

Zib is based on Sanguine Symphony's fanfiction.net story: "We Shall Call Him...ZIB!" (Fantastic story! ALL SHOULD READ!) ^.~ Artwork © Copyright 2002 Rachel Johnston

Rough / Concept
22y43d ago
Other Work By @rachjohn

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 25 April, 2002 @ 10:44 PM

x_x; I didn't even know about this pic until CG showed it to me. Very cute! n_n; I'll have to do something with Zib.. I feel kind of bad for abandoning the fic.. But CG's offered to pick up writing it, so not all hope is lost!

Posted: Friday, 26 April, 2002 @ 05:02 PM

Sweet Angery MOOOOO THAT IS SSSSOOOOOOOOO (You probably hear this all the time.) CUTE !!! CUTE DO YOU HEAR ME!!!!!!!!!(Jumps on the table.) A CURSE I STATE!!! A CURSE AND WOE TO THOSE WHOEVER GET IT IN THEIR SOGGY SSSSCOOPY LIKE HEADS TO FLAME YOU!!!! IF THEY DO I-SHALL-DESTROY THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!(Snaps back to normal.) Good drawing by the way. Ta-TA!!!

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