Chris Geiger

Relic Suit Sketch
Relic Suit Sketch by @chrigeig (Chris Geiger)

This is a Relic Suit from the comic Phoenix Legacy, a comic that a few friends and I worked on a LONG time ago. It still brings back good memories...

The original design for this mech was very simplistic. It has two missle/engine pods which cover the arms in it's normal mode. When it goes into battle mode, the pods fold out, and the arms extend to utilize the gun that normally resides at it's side. Therefore, it can double as a ballistic missle platform and as a fighting suit...multitasking, eh? The ship in the background is the Phoenix, which I will go into detail about in a later picture.

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Chris Geiger

Rough / Concept
22y124d ago
Other Work By @chrigeig

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