Beth Melamed

Me, B-chan, in Hogwarts gear
Me, B-chan, in Hogwarts gear by @Bchan (Beth Melamed)

I just recently got into Harry Potter after finally seeing first movie. So I drew myself in the Gryffindor house uniform with a kitty (if I had to choose a pet to have, it would be a cat). I changed the outift a little - it was too gray so I added some color to the top of the socks.

Finished Work
21y227d ago
Other Work By @Bchan

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 20 November, 2002 @ 12:46 AM

That's ADORABLE ^_^ You inked it very well. Isn't Harry Potter awesome? You'd never think it until you read the books. The 2nd movie's even better :3

LoL, according to a test I took, I'd be in Hufflepuff. The wuss house. XP I believe it too!

My archive? ^_^

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