Ayame Suzuki

History binder scribbles
History binder scribbles by @minako134 (Ayame Suzuki)

Yes, mother and father, I did all of this in the five minutes I had before every day or so. ^_^

Yeah, just a buncha random stuff. I like how Vash and Julia came out. The little guy below Julia is Richard, from my potential online comic "On The Floor". He's usually not that energetic, but I had been readin' some Mac Hall and got inspired by Ian's style. Also from "On The Floor" is Claire, in the middle.

Down at the bottom, we've got Lucy, my own original furry character. I have a scan of just her somewhere in this gallery... An older Sakura is on the bottom right corner.

I'm dressed as Yuffie right under Vash, glomping Derek 'cause I'm scared or somethin'. 0_o

Lessee...mostly everyone else is a random creation. Use'm if ya want, I'd love to see how you draw 'em.

21y113d ago
Other Work By @minako134

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