Ayame Suzuki

Tai ~ [just thinkin']
Tai ~ [just thinkin'] by @minako134 (Ayame Suzuki)

Why the heck do I always draw Tai when I draw Digimon fanart?! I have no idea!! His hair is ugly!! And he should've died in the first season!! Well, this is all probably because of the Home Away From Home episode, my favorite one. shrugs Anywho, I like how his nose looks here. ^_^;; Kinda stubby. I shoulda left out Sora. I was trying to be all sophisticated and put Sora's head right where Tai's eyes are looking, oooo...

Yuppers. If you like this, go read Bender's and my fanfiction, the MIddle Series, at my website. If you are one of Derek's friends, just...forgive me. I was a Digimon fan. -_-;; And most of those episodes are quite sappy and "Great job, guys! I knew we could do it!!"-ish. Bleh.

Wanted to draw while the guys were playin' pool, and I only had a yellow divider to draw on, so I did. I woulda scanned it in gray, but I think the yellow looks kinda cool.

21y133d ago
Other Work By @minako134

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 25 February, 2003 @ 03:58 PM

hehe ^--^. this is cute. I like his nose too. & Sora looks good there ^^. cool pose. (his I mean, tho also her's ^^.;;;) Its hard to find cool digimon fanart u_u.; goes to look at the rest of your gallery ^-^.


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