Caitlin Gott

Emir by @kaisen (Caitlin Gott)

This is Emir. He is Amurra's twin brother. Don't ask me why. But because they are Siamese Cats.. I just had to make a set of twins. lol. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Caitlin Gott

21y321d ago
Other Work By @kaisen

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 02 August, 2002 @ 11:19 PM

lol! of course!! sings siamese cat song from "lady and the tramp" ^^ i like this pic! mostly because of the way u did the hind paws, u doesnt look like u changed em or made em bigger like some artist do...~~; i have problems with stuff like that at times cus i draw fast... it looks like the proportions ar more animal too! ^_^ cool, that means he can sit like a cat! thats how i wanna keep my animals, but its hard to keep the proportions from being too human. hey! keep up the good work, siamese cats rock~! check out my art sometime, and critique somthing. pweeeeaassee~! http://www.side7.com/cgi-bin/S7SDB/Archive.pl?ANO=7467

Posted: Tuesday, 13 August, 2002 @ 05:11 PM

"We are Siamese if you Please, We are Siamese if you don't Please" lol. That's what I was thinking. Thanks, I wasn't really thinking all that much about proportions and the kind of actions and poses they could have. I dunno I like to make my animal people look more human but still give them their top animal qualities. Ears, tails, and I like their paws. I don't know which drawing I like the best.

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