
The Voice of God
The Voice of God by @frodobolson72 (Artemis)

She's Jeanne d'Arc, the Maiden of Orléans, the national heroine of France and saint of the Catholic Church. In 1428,when she was only a fourteen years old girl,she claimed to hear the voice of God who gave her a mission: to save France. Her innocence and courage gained the confidence of several of the most important knights and soldiers of the French court. She accompanied the heir Charles VII to Reims to be crowned,and only beeing seventeen years old she lead an enormous army against the Englishmen and defeated them. She had the most tragic final, she was burnt alive accused of being a witch and having demonic visions.

Reference pics from: http://causticstock.deviantart.com/ and http://auralis-stock.deviantart.com/ Brushes from: http://scully7491.deviantart.com/ http://lockstock.deviantart.com/ http://tammysue.deviantart.com http://miss69-stock.deviantart.com


Finished Work
18y27d ago
Other Work By @frodobolson72

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Saturday, 03 June, 2006 @ 09:21 PM

Absolutely gorgeous pic, and I like the reference to the maiden of Orleans lol. Jeanne D'Arc is a road in Orleans, Ontario, where I live near. That's cute.

Posted: Monday, 05 June, 2006 @ 10:06 PM

Looks nice! =) I think the frame is a bit distracting though.

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