KidK Mirai

Fiddler in the Wind
Fiddler in the Wind by @kidkourage (KidK Mirai)

This is the pic that I drew for Lynne-chan when she came to visit me in August. ^.^ I don't really know where the idea came from...I guess 'twas one of those things that starts out in one place and ends up being somewhere completely different in the end. I wanted to draw Lynne with her violin...and then somehow the manga style happened...and then there were two of her, one almost full height and one in the background...and then that outfit just kinda evolved...and then I decided I needed to make it a songpic and chose an Enya song that kinda fit, in my mind, the image. It's about life being a journey and the goal being knowledge of oneself. o.o Also, too, there is no fiddle in it, but I've always thought that there should be. Maybe that's what picture-Lynne is playing? ^.^;; Well...um...ah...points FLOOFY HAIR! runs and hides while everyone's distracted by the glory of the floofy hair =B

Finished Work
20y277d ago
Other Work By @kidkourage

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